Shared Decision-Making in Severe Brain Injury: An analysis and dissemination project
- OU Research Excellence Fund; Papadimitriou (PI)
- The grant supported dissemination of findings related to development of recovery vignettes and comparison of how care partners and practitioners scored the vignettes.
Small-Scale Pilots to Implement Principles of Patient-Centered Measurement: “No One Listens to Me”
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Mallinson & Papadimitriou (Co-PIs)
- This study is explored what care partners and clinician consider constitutes meaningful recovery in unconscious adults and the ways that AIR patient-centered measurement principles can improve measure use.
HCBS and Medicaid Scorecard Measures Development, Endorsement, Maintenance, and Alignment
- CMS (HHSM-500-2014-00034I); Alecxih (PI) Lewin Group, Mallinson (Co-I), Weaver (Co-I).
- This study is supporting quality measure maintenance and development including NQF Measure Endorsement process for quality performance measures based on FASI items.
Advanced Projects Joint Warfighter Program
- U.S. Dept. of Defense (JW150040); Pape (PI), Papadimitriou (Co-I), Mallinson (Co-I)
- Study I: Improved Measurement of Neurobehavioral Function after Severe TBI.
- Study II: Understanding Recovery When Patients Cannot Speak for Themselves: A Sequential Exploratory Mixed Methods Study with Caregiver Spokespersons
Neuromodulation and Neurorehabilitation for Treatment of Functional Deficits after mTBI plus PTSD
- CDMRP (MR141205) Pape (PI), Mallinson (Co-I).
- Applying contemporary measurement methods as part of examining the effects of attention processing training (APT) combined with intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) on attention in persons with mild TBI and PTSD.
Testing Experience and Functional Assessment Tools (TEFT): Performance Measures Based on the Functional Assessment Standardized Items
- CMS Contract Modification HHSM-500-2010-000251; Stokes (PI) IBM Watson Health, Mallinson (Co-I)
- The project developed quality performance measures related to functional status for beneficiaries in Home and Community-based Services waiver programs.
Testing Experience and Functional Assessment Tools (TEFT): Community-Based Long-Term Services and Supports Demonstration
- CMS HHSM-500-T0006; Jackson (PI) Truven Health Analytics, Mallinson (Co-I).
- The project developed, tested, and validated standardized functional status items, in Home and Community-based Services waiver programs.
Neural Target Identification for Functional Disability Associated with Alcohol Related Characteristics Among Veterans with Co-occurring Alcohol Use Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury
- VA RR&D Merit Award (I01RX002916); Herrold (PI), Mallinson (Co-I).
- As part of informing the relationship between alcohol-related characteristics and functional disability, this study will create a composite measure of alcohol-related characteristics using Rasch analysis.